WATCH: President Biden Suddenly Starts Screaming In The Middle Of ASentence, “NAME ME A TIME!”

Back on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, Joe Biden went to Manhattan to announce that the Hudson Tunnel Project is a full go. It should have been a simple, easy speech about a tunnel in which Biden rallied some local support, said all the right things about whatever the special interest group of the day is, and then left without making waves.

But, of course, it wasn’t. Instead, Biden had what looked like a “senior moment” and started screaming, saying “NAME ME A TIME!” in the middle of his speech. Specifically, he said “There’s nothing we can’t do. Nothing. When the hell has America ever ever ever set a goal that it didn’t reach. When has it ever…name me a time, NAME ME A TIME! When America has gone through a crunch and didn’t come out stronger on the other side.”

The wildest part about the whole thing is that Biden’s speech and what he was saying in it when the sudden screaming occurred was actually pretty good. Rather than rambling about trans people of color, illegal immigrants being the backbone of this nation, or some other leftist talking point, he was instead championing American manufacturing and industry.

Here’s the portion of his speech that surrounded the yelling (emphasis ours): Where the hell is it written that say America can’t lead the world again in manufacturing? Where is that written? In addition, we have private major investment totaling $300 billion in just one industry — one industry: semiconductors — generating significant job opportunities, American manufacturing.”

He continued, “For four decades, we imported products and exported jobs. Now America is exporting products and creating jobs. Although there’s much more to do about what we’re going to do to modernize the modern rail, let me close with this. The Americans see these projects popping up across the country, and it sends an important message: that we’re going to — when we work together, like we did in the bipartisan law, in the CHIPS law, there’s nothing we can’t do. Nothing. When in the hell has America ever, ever, ever set a goal that it didn’t reach? When has it ever? Name me a time. Name me a time when America has gone through a crunch and didn’t come out stronger on the other side than went in.”

He added, “We can get really big things done. We’re sort of losing confidence in ourselves. We can do anything. We really can. We can move this nation forward. We can send another message as well: a message of pride — pride in our country; pride in what we can do together; a sense of self-worth, knowing you can provide for your family.”

He then said, “So I’ve long said it’s been a really bad bet to bet against America. And I can honestly say, as I stand here today, and I give you my word as a Biden, I’ve never been more optimistic about America’s prospects in my entire life. We just have to remember who the hell we are. We are the United States of America. There’s nothing beyond our capacity. (Applause.) Nothing at all. And it’s starting right here. God bless you all. And may God protect our troops. Thank you.”

Watch Biden start yelling here:


Not as eloquent as a Reagan speech or as funny as a Trump one, perhaps, but at least it was about America accomplishing things and rebuilding American industry. But then Biden started yelling, making people focus on his brain failing rather than on the generally agreeable message he was trying to push.






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