‘Failed Medical School’: whistleblowers say UCLA lowered standards for minorities

Aaron Sibarium, reporter for the Free Beacon, reported on the UCLA medical school whistleblowers who accused the school of lowering standards for minority applicants. In other words, no longer taking the best of the best, but instead taking just about anyone so they look more diverse. I don’t know about you, but I don’t care what ethnicity a doctor is – I just want them to be the expert, the best, the most talented doctors. Diversity is not important in any field, ever.

Aaron said on X: “scoop: Whistleblowers at UCLA medical school say it has dramatically lowered admissions standards for minority applicants. As a result, they say, 50% of some cohorts now fail basic tests of medical competence. We’ve obtained shocking internal data.” A snippet from Aaron’s report with data/information from insiders at UCLA said the following:
The need to increase diversity needs to end. Lowering standards for the sake of diversity is the dumbest thing we have ever seen in our lifetime. We should raise standards and encourage people to become experts in what they do, not lower standards to look WOKE and then produce failures. UCLA graduates who are serious about their career should immediately transfer to a more serious school.






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